Apply or Renew Online (Online Licensing System)

The following button (link) will take you to the Council’s online licensing system where you can apply for a new license or renew an existing license.

Note: If you experience technical difficulties logging into or using the online licensing system, please check first the compatibility of your browser by reviewing the compatibility information located at the bottom of the online licensing system login page.  If that does not resolve the issue, please contact the HPC Helpdesk for technical assistance.

If you need to set up an account in the online licensing system or need help navigating the system, please review the How To User Guides webpage (found in the right-hand menu) for assistance. If you are renewing a license and already have an online account set up, you may click on the above button to take you to the online licensing system.

Information Specific to Renewal of a License

Licensees are required to renew their license(s) on a biennial basis.  At least 30 days in advance of their renewal date, licensees are mailed a reminder postcard to remind them that they need to renew their license.  The postcards are sent to the licensee’s address of record. Failure to keep your address of record current may result in your not receiving the renewal reminder.

Licensees are required to renew each license held (both active and inactive licenses) online, and are encouraged to do so during normal business hours and well in advance of the deadline.  This will ensure that licensees have access to agency staff to assist them should they encounter difficulties while renewing.  It also serves to ensure that licensees have an opportunity to attempt renewal again in the event they encounter technical difficulties. A licensee who does not renew his or her license by the expiration date is subject to the late renewal fees set forth in the Council’s rules.  Additionally, a delinquent license that is not renewed within 1 year of the expiration date will expire.

A license is eligible for renewal if:
1. The license is active or inactive and within 60 days of expiration.
2. The license has not expired, i.e., delinquent for more than one year.
3. You have obtained the the requisite continuing education hours.
4. You have completed a training course on human trafficking prevention approved by HHSC.

Each month, 5% percent of each license type eligible for renewal is randomly selected to undergo a CE hours audit. Licensees are notified of their selection and required to submit proof of the continuing education hours obtained in connection with their renewal.  Licensees may also be selected for an audit due to an irregularity in complying with the continuing education requirements for a license held. If selected for an audit, licensees are also required to submit a self-query report from the National Practitioner Data Bank.

Renewal Requirements by License Type

All licensees are required to undergo an HHSC approved human trafficking prevention training course as a condition of renewal, in accordance with Chapter 116 of the Occupations Code. Approved training courses can be found on the Health Care Practitioner Human Trafficking Training webpage.  NOTE: The HHSC-approved list of courses has been temporarily removed from the HHSC website.  Until this is resolved, you can find the list of approved human trafficking prevention training courses by clicking here.

Licensees required to take the jurisprudence exam as a condition of renewal can find the registration link for the exam by clicking on the corresponding board above.

Additionally, when renewing a license, licensees must provide or update the standardized set of information about their training and practice (i.e., the minimum data set) required by §105.003 of the Health and Safety Code.

Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists

Applicable Rule: 22 TAC 801.261

Licensed marriage and family therapists are required to obtain a minimum of 30 clock hours of continuing education during each renewal period they hold a license.

At least 6 of the hours obtained must be in the area of ethics, with another 3 hours in the area of cultural diversity or competency. These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required.

To maintain supervisory status, during each renewal period, a supervisor must obtain a minimum of 6 hours of continuing education in supervision and pass the jurisprudence examination. One hour of continuing education in ethics may be claimed for passing the jurisprudence exam. These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required.

Licensees providing telehealth services must complete 2 hours of continuing education in technology-assisted services. These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required.

Effective January 1, 2024, at least half of the 30 hours must be obtained from a provider listed in 801.261(f).

Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

Applicable Rule: 22 TAC 681.140

LPCs are required to obtain a minimum of 24 hours of continuing education during each renewal period they hold a license. 

Effective January 1, 2024, at least half of the 24 hours must be obtained from a provider listed in 681.140(f).

At least 6 of the hours obtained must be in the area of ethics, with another 3 hours in the area of cultural diversity and competency. These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required. 

LPCs must pass the jurisprudence examination each renewal period.  Licensees may claim 1 hour of ethics credit for passing the examination.

An LPC-S must complete 6 hours of continuing education in supervision during his or her renewal period to maintain supervisory status.  These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required.

Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists

Applicable Rule: 22 TAC 463.35

Licensed psychologists, psychological associates, and specialists in school psychology are required to obtain a minimum of 40 hours of professional development during each renewal period they hold a license.

At least half of the 40 hours must be obtained from a provider listed in 463.35(e).

At least 6 of these hours must be in the area(s) of ethics, rules, or professional responsibility, with another 6 hours in the area of cultural diversity. These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required.

Licensed psychologists must also update their online profile information when renewing their license. Online profiles can be updated or changed by clicking here.

NOTE: A licensee must turn 70 on or before August 31, 2020 in order to qualify for reduced renewal fees. Licensees who turn 70 years of age on or after September 1, 2020 will no longer qualify for reduced renewal fees.

Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners

Applicable Rule: 22 TAC 781.501

Licensed social workers (e.g., LBSW, LMSW, LCSW) are required to obtain a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education during each renewal period they hold a license.

At least 6 of the hours obtained must be in the area of professional ethics and social work values, with another 3 hours in cultural diversity or competency, and for supervisors, at least 6 of the hours must be in the area of supervision. These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required.

Effective January 1, 2024, at least half of the 30 hours must be obtained from a provider listed in 781.501(f).

NOTE: Licensees who hold a license with emeritus status as September 1, 2020 may keep the emeritus status as long as the licensee does not 1) return to full- or part-time paid employment or 2) return the license to active status. Once a license with emeritus status expires or the status is changed from emeritus, the emeritus status cannot be reinstated. No renewal fees are charged and no continuing education is required for a license with emeritus status, but the license must be renewed through the Council’s online renewal system on a biennial basis.