Telehealth Questions PSYCH

Telehealth Questions PSYCH

Yes. Texas law requires a provider to hold a Texas license to administer services to an individual located in Texas. A temporary license to practice psychology may be obtained allowing the delivery of services in Texas for up to 30 days. If the provider will need authority to practice for more than 30 days, a full license must be obtained.
Yes. Texas only requires a Texas license for providing services to individuals located in Texas at the time of delivery.
If you have a Texas license you can provide services remotely to clients in Texas, but you will need to contact the other state or country to determine whether you can deliver services from within that jurisdiction to a client in Texas.
Texas does not have jurisdiction on Federal ground. As long as the client is on Federal ground, Federal laws and regulations apply. You will need to contact the Federal government to determine if care can continue. If the client is on Texas ground (off-base residence, for example), a Texas license is required for care to continue.
A Texas license only grants authority to practice in Texas. If you have a client in another state or country you may have to meet the practice requirements of both Texas and the state or country where the client is located. You will need to contact the other state or country to determine whether you can deliver services in that jurisdiction with your Texas License.
Each state has it’s own rules regarding who is or isn’t considered a client. With that being the case, it is always advised to obtain approval from any state or jurisdiction where a participant is located.