LPC – Coming from Out of State

In Texas, statute does not allow for reciprocity. Out of state licensees must


Applications for initial LPC and LPC-Associate (formerly Intern) license can only be submitted via the Online Licensing System.  Paper applications are no longer accepted and will be returned if received.

Click the license you wish to apply for:

LPC Associate

Upgrade from Associate to LPC

LPC (coming from out of state)

LPC Supervisor

Checklist of Required Documentation

LPC-Associate (formerly Intern)

Basic Licensure Requirements for LPC Associate

  • Graduate degree in counseling (or related field) from an accredited university/college
  • Pass National Counseling Exam or National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Exam
  • Complete LPC Jurisprudence Exam
  • Pass fingerprint background check

Basic Required Documentation for LPC Associate Application

BEFORE accessing the Online Licensing System, you will need to have the following forms completed and scanned into your device to be attached to your electronic application.

Practicum Documentation Form – This form is completed by the appropriate faculty/administration member of your counseling program and returned to you for inclusion in your application.

Jurisprudence Examination Completion Certificate – You must take the Jurisprudence Exam prior to submitting your application for license.  Please note, the exam must be completed no earlier than six months prior to submission of your application.  Upon completion of the exam you will be issued a certificate.

Supervisory Agreement Form – This form is the agreement between you and your board approved supervisor.  It must be completed by you and signed by both you and your supervisor.  Both you and your supervisor will need to maintain a copy of this form for the duration of your supervision.

Military Service Members, Veterans, and their Spouses – If you or your spouse have qualifying military service, please complete the Military Supplemental Form.

Additional Documents that must come in from 3rd Parties (cannot be uploaded with app):

NCE/NCMHCE Scores – If you took the NCE/NCMHCE outside of Texas, please contact NBCC to request a copy of your scores be sent to our office. If you need to schedule an exam, please contact NBCC as the state licensing board does not administer or schedule the exam. You may register at: https://www.nbcc.org/licensure/examregistration.

National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) self-query report – Please request a self-query from the NPDB.  This will be mailed to you by the NPDB.  You will need to mail us the unopened self-query.  Information on NPDB self-query is found here.

Fingerprinting – Upon submission of your application you will be sent information on getting fingerprinted.  The fingerprinting is done electronically and locations all over the country. There is a fee paid to the fingerprint facility. Typically, it takes approximately 15 minutes to complete the process of getting fingerprinted.

Official Transcripts – The board requires submission of official transcripts.  These cannot be uploaded with your application.  Instead, they must be submitted directly to the board.  The board prefers electronic submission but will accept hardcopy transcripts.

Electronic transcripts should be emailed to: transcripts@bhec.texas.gov

Hardcopy transcripts should be mailed to:

BHEC LPC Transcripts

1801 Congress Ave, Ste. 7.300

Austin, TX  78701

LPC-Associate Online Application

Once you have all the required documentation saved to your device, proceed to the Online Licensing System.

Instructions for setting up your account can be found here.

The user guide for using the online licensing system to apply for an LPC Associate license can be found here.

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Licensed Professional Counselor (coming from another state)

 NOTE: These instructions are for individuals who hold an LPC license in another state and are attempting to obtain licensure in Texas. 

Basic Licensure Requirements for LPC License

  • Graduate degree in counseling (or related field) from an accredited university/college
  • Pass National Counseling Exam or National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Exam
  • Complete LPC Jurisprudence Exam
  • Pass fingerprint background check
  • Complete 3,000 hours of supervised experience under supervision of approved LPC supervisor

Supplemental Documentation

BEFORE accessing the Online Licensing System, you will need to have the following forms completed and scanned into your device to be attached to your electronic application.

Jurisprudence Examination Completion Certificate – You must take the Jurisprudence Exam prior to submitting your application for license.  Please note, the exam must be completed no earlier than six months prior to submission of your application.  Upon completion of the exam you will be issued a certificate.

Supervised Experience Documentation Form – If your endorsing state’s verification does not display the hours of supervised experience you accrued to meet eligibility requirements, you will need to have this form completed by your former supervisor(s).

Practicum Documentation Form – This form is completed by the appropriate faculty/administration member of your counseling program and returned to you for inclusion in your application.

Additional Documents that must come in from 3rd Parties (cannot be uploaded with app):

Verification of Licensure in Another State – Submit this form to every state licensing agency that has issued you an LPC license (even if the license is now expired).  The board will accept either the completed form or the standard verification form used by a particular state.  The board will also accept online verification of licensure for those states that no longer provide hardcopy verifications so long as the online information includes any disciplinary action taken by the agency.

NCE/NCMHCE Scores – Please contact NBCC to request your scores be transferred to Texas.  Note: if you do not have an active LPC license in another state and you have not passed the NCE or NCMHCE within the last 5 years you will be required to re-take and pass the NCE or NCMHCE examination.

National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) self-query report – Please request a self-query from the NPDB.  This will be mailed to you by the NPDB.  You will need to mail us the unopened self-query.  Information on NPDB self-query is found here.

Fingerprinting – Upon submission of your application you will be sent information on getting fingerprinted.  The fingerprinting is done electronically and locations all over the country. There is a fee paid to the fingerprint facility. Typically, it takes approximately 15 minutes to complete the process of getting fingerprinted.

Official Transcripts – The board requires submission of official transcripts.  These cannot be uploaded with your application.  Instead, they must be submitted directly to the board.  The board prefers electronic submission but will accept hardcopy transcripts.

Electronic transcripts should be emailed to: transcripts@bhec.texas.gov

Hardcopy transcripts should be mailed to:

BHEC LPC Transcripts

1801 Congress Ave, Ste. 7.300

Austin, TX  78701

Military Service Members, Veterans, and their Spouses – If you or your spouse have qualifying military service, please complete the Military Supplemental Form.

LPC Online Application

Once you have all the required documentation saved to your device, proceed to the Online Licensing System.  To create your account click on the “Begin Here For Sign-Up” link.  Instructions for setting up your account can be found here.

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Upgrade from LPC-Associate (formerly Intern) to full LPC

Basic Licensure Requirements for LPC License

  • Graduate degree in counseling (or related field) from an accredited university/college
  • Pass National Counseling Exam or National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Exam
  • Complete LPC Jurisprudence Exam
  • Complete 3,000 hours of supervised experience under supervision of approved LPC supervisor

BEFORE accessing the Online Licensing System, you will need to have the following forms completed and scanned into your device to be attached to your electronic application.

Jurisprudence Examination Completion Certificate – You must take the Jurisprudence Exam prior to submitting your application for license.  Please note, the exam must be completed no earlier than six months prior to submission of your application.  Upon completion of the exam you will be issued a certificate.

Supervised Experience Documentation Form – This form documents the hours of supervised experience you have accrued under a specific supervisor.

National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) self-query report – Please request a self-query from the NPDB.  This will be mailed to you by the NPDB.  You will need to mail us the unopened self-query.  Information on NPDB self-query is found here.

LPC Upgrade Online Application

Once you have all the required documentation saved to your device, proceed to the Online Licensing System.

Userguide for creating a new account in our online licensing system is found here.

Userguide for completing the LPC Upgrade application online is found here.

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LPC Supervisor

LPC Supervisor isn’t a type of license.  Rather, it designates an LPC who is approved by the board to supervise LPC-Associates.

Apply via our Online Licensing System.  Complete the application and submit it with the fee and a copy of the supervisor training documentation.  For information on acceptable training please visit the board rules.

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